
Media Monitoring

Media Monitoring


Media monitoring has become synonymous with SAS. Depending on the urgency of the issue, SAS has covered different topics while monitoring the media over the time. Media monitoring has been proven as an effective tool help raise awareness among journalists, render them more sensitive to gender issues, give a voice to the voiceless, and to build a network to combat gender-based violence (GBV). The organization has been monitoring the media with an objective of finding out the quality and quantity of GBV issues covered by the mainstream media and to share the findings of the monitoring.

The current edition of the media monitoring covers 15 national dailies including four English dailies viz. Sourya, Naya Patrika, The Republica, Nagarik, The Himalayan Times, Karobar, Rajdhani, The Rising Nepal, Annapurna Post, Kantipur, The Kathmandu Post, , Nepal Samacharpatra, Gorkhapatra and Himalaya Times. Despite our desire to cover more print media published from outside the Kathmandu Valley and other electronic media, we were compelled to narrow down the spectrum of the media due to limited resource and time constraint. 

The main purpose of this monitoring is to highlight and document the types of violence faced by girls and women and to provide information on media’s performance in general. Additionally, media monitoring serves as feedback to journalists and the media outlets themselves on their work, which can contribute significantly to enhance their reporting skills to eliminate biasness resultant of professional inadequacies in the coverage of the GBV.